On the 10th of October 1921 the vision of the city and the whole region became a reality when the University was founded in Szeged. Since the 18th Century there was a recognized need to establish a university that would help to develop an educational center, which would nurture the cultural and national values of the region of the Hungarian Plain (Alföld). On the 1st of January 2000 in a move to integrate the higher education system in Szeged several of the universities were unified into the University of Szeged. The University of Szeged now consists of 12 faculties and counted amongst them is the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.
Our professors carry out nationally and internationally recognized academic research in all areas of the law. Our institutes and departments invite guest lecturers from a variety of professional backgrounds such as local and national administration officials and professors from other Hungarian and foreign institutes. The aim of inviting outside lecturers is to enrich as well as increase the level of education that our students will receive. The guest lecturers by drawing on their practical knowledge and professional experience will contribute to the overall education of our students. Every year approximately 4000 students participate in the graduate and postgraduate degree courses of the Faculty.