Workshop at the Graduate School of the Faculty of Law with Prof. Richard Vogler
The course aims at graduate students’ getting an insight into the trends and new developments of criminal procedural laws of the English and the global legal system. Prof. Vogler is invited to give an overview on the latest developments of his national criminal procedural laws, highlighting problematical issues and with regard to international tendencies. In addition, the course intends to provide Hungarian, Serbian and Romanian graduate students opportunity to scientific discussion with an outstanding professor and with young scholars from the neighbouring countries.
Topics of the lectures:
1. Contemporary developments in criminal justice England and Wales
2. Global developments in criminal justice
3. ECHR caselaw on criminal justice procedure.
4. Theoretical approaches to criminal justice reform.
Date of the course: 6 to 7 September 2012.
2009 tavasz ,2009 ősz ,Deilinger Viktória ,Fekete Orsolya ,Gyenge Balázs ,JNASZ ,Jakab Éva ,Józsa Zoltán ,Karsai Krisztina ,Laluska Pál ,Merkovity Norbert ,Mezei Péter ,Paczolay Péter ,Siket Judit ,Szeged ,Szeged IP Center ,Szöllősi László ,politológia ,politológiai tanszék ,verseny ,