University of Szeged, Faculty of Law Where knowledge and challenge meet

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences  --  Faculty Units  --  Departments  --  Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Dr. Fantoly, Zsanett, Publications

Dr. Zsanett Fantoly list of publications with quotation index


Book, monography

The Liability of the Legal Person. HVGOrac. Budapest, 2008.


Review: HOLLÁN Miklós: A New Monographay about the Liability of the Legal Person. Magyar Jog. March 2009.


Quotation: NAGY Zoltán: About the Statute Declaring the Liability of the Legal Person. Jura 2009/1.


Chapter in coursebook:

1. The Basic Lines of Criminal Procedure Law I. Szeged 2004. (co-author: dr. Cséka Ervin, dr. Kovács Judit, dr. Lőrinczy György, dr. Vida Mihály) (2., modified edition: 2007.)


2. The Basic Lines of Criminal Procedure Law II. Szeged, 2004. (co-author: dr. Cséka Ervin, dr. Hegedűs István, dr. Kovács Judit, dr. Maráz Vilmosné) (2., modified edition: 2007.)


University lecture notes

Basic Knowledge in Criminal Law. Lecture Note for Communication Students. Budapest, 2000. (PROFI TIPO Bt.) 49 p. (co-author: dr. Kovács Judit)


Other Tutorial Materials (Practicing Book)

1. Practicing Book to the university coursebook of the„Genneral Part of the Hungarian Criminal Law” Rejtjel Kiadó. 2005. (co-authors: dr. Nagy Ferenc, dr. Karsai Krisztina, dr. Kovács Judit, dr. Szomora Zsolt)


2. Practicing Book to university coursebook of the„Special Part of he Hungarian Criminal Law” Rejtjel Kiadó. 2005. (co-authors: dr. Nagy Ferenc, dr. Karsai Krisztina, dr. Kovács Judit, dr. Szomora Zsolt)



1. The Question of Having Criminal Legal Entity of Legal Persons in the Dutch and French Law, Regarding the Upcoming Hungarian Regulation. Acta Jur. et Pol. Tomus LIII. Szabó András Memory Book. Szeged, 1998. 135-147. p.


Quotation: - SÁNTHA Ferenc: About the Criminal Liability of he Legal Person. KJK Kerszöv. Budapest, 2002.

- KŐHALMI László: The Criminal Liability of the Legal Person. Collega 2000. February. IV. évf. 2.

- KŐHALMI László: Die gegen Juristische Personen anwendbaren Strafrechtlichen Massregeln. Memory Book for the 20th Annivesary of the Death of Ferencz Zoltán university adjunct

- SZIKORA Veronika: The Application of the Lliability of the Legal and the Natural Person Side by Side. Collega. 2002. február. VI. évf. 1. szám

- ERDEI Árpád: How Can a Legal Person Become a Defendantor thePprice of the Change of a Legal Concept. Békés Imre Convival Volume. Budapest, 2000.

- TÓTH Mihály: Before Carpeting a Bench for the Legal Person Defendant in a Hurry. July-August 2001.

- NÉMETHY Andrea: The Criminal Liability of a Legal Person. Jogtudományi Közlöny. November 2000.





2. The Abolition of Death Penalty in Portugal. Jogtudományi Közlöny 1999/7-8. 345-351. p.


3. Thoughts about the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons. Ügyvédek Lapja 2001/1.


Quatation: - KŐHALMI László: Die gegen Juristische Personen anwendbaren Strafrechtlichen Massregeln. . Memory Book for the 20th Annivesary of the Death of Ferencz Zoltán university adjunct

- KŐHALMI László: Criminal Measures Applicable Against Legal Persons. Jura 2006/1. 12. évfolyam


4. Thoughts about the Necessity of the Introduction of the Liability of Legal Persons into the Hungarian Penal Code. Jogelméleti Szemle 2001/2.


Quotation: KŐHALMI László: Die gegen Juristische Personen anwendbaren Strafrechtlichen Massregeln. Memory Book for the 20th Annivesary of the Death of Ferencz Zoltán university adjunct




5. The Adjudgement of Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in the European Union. 2001/12. 8-26. p.


6. The Adjudgement of Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in the European Union. Jogelméleti Szemle 2001/4. 18. p.


Quotation: - SÁNTHA Ferenc: About the Liability of the Legal Person. KJK Kerszöv. Budapest, 2002.

- SÁNTHA Ferenc: About tthe Liability of the Legal Person and the Economy Crimes. Belügyi Szemle 2002/10.

- SÁNDOR Balázs: Sancions applicable against the Legal Person. Belügyi Szemle 2005/10.


7. The Codification of the Criminal Legal Entity of Legal Persons in Austria and Hungary. Collega, 2002. február, 40-42. p.


8. Societas delinquere non potest …? Acta Juridica et Politika. Tomus LXII. Fasc.3. 2002.


Quotation: - NAGY Ferenc: Studies to the Codification of the General Part of the Hungarian Penal Code. HVG Orac Lap-és Könyvkiadó Kft. Budapest, 2005.

- HERKE Csongor: Agreements in the Criminal Trial. Pécs, 2008.

- The Transformation of the Hungarian Legal Order 1985-2005. Transition to the Rule of Law and Accession to the European Union. (Ed.: András Jakab, Péter Takács, Allan F. Tatham) Kluwer Law International BV. The Netherlands, 2007.


9. The Criminal Liability of the Legal Person in the Netherlands. Acta Juridica et Politica. Tomus LXIII. Fasc. 5. 2003.


10. The Criminal Liability of the Legal person in France. Jogelméleti Szemle 2003.


11. The Criminal Liability of Enterprises in Switzerland. Európai Jog. July 2004


12. The Criminal Punishability of Enterprises in the Anglo-Saxon Law Systems. Acta Juridica et Politica. Tomus LXVI. Fasc. 5. 2005.


13. The New Statute about the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in Austria. Wiener A. Imre Convival Volume. Bibliotheca Iuridica. Scientific editions ofAz ELTE, Faculty of Law. Libri Amicorum. 16.


14. The Liability of the Enterprise Leaders in the German and French Law. Acta Juridica et Politica. 2006.


15. Actual Questions about the Criminal Liability of Legal persons in the Broadening European Union. Studies for the 85th Birtday of Ervin CSéka. Szeged, 2007.


16. The Criminal Liability of the State. Rendészeti Szemle. 2007/10.


17. About Cross-questioning and Interrogation by the Parties. Jogtudományi Közlöny August 2008.


18. The Criminal Procedural (Trial) Systems and the Modernization of Criminal Procedure. Acta Juridica et Politica. Tomus LXXI. Fasciculus 5. Szeged, 2008.


19. Accusatorial or Inquisitorial Criminal Procedure? (Competing Systems). Bűnügyi Szemle 2009/2.


20. The Historical Development of Accusatorial and Inquisitorial Criminal Procedure Law (Trial) and Their Basic Characteristics. Acta Juridica et Politica.


Conference Edition

1. The Adjudgement of Criminal Liability of Legal Persons. Conference Edition „The Actual Questions of the Serbian and Hungarian Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law” conference (ed.: Tóth Károly) Published by SZTE, Faculty of Law, Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law Depertmant. Szeged, 2004.


2. The Procedural Law Questions of Holding Legal Persons Liable. „Cross Section” c. Conference Edition to the „Forum of Young Lawyers II.” Conference (ed.: Karsai Kriszitna) Szeged, 2005.


Quotation: HERKE Csongor: Agreements in Criminal Trial Pécs, 2008.


3. Accusatorial or Inquisitorial Criminal procedure? (Competing Systems). Scientific Lecture Session in the State Meeting of Criminal Tutors (ed.: Nagy Ferenc) Szeged, 2009.



1. Review on Tremmel Flórián: Hungarian Criminal Procedure. Coursebook. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2002/1. sz. 3 p. (co-author: dr. Kovács Judit)


2. Confrontation. Review on Fenyvesi Csaba: Confrontation. Face to Face in Criminal Cases Monography Szemtől. Ügyvédek Lapja 2009. április