Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) Dr. KARSAI, KRISZTINA
Telephone(s) Mobile: - 36 20 369 11 93
Fax(es) - 36 62 554 501
Nationality(-ies) HUNGARIAN
Gender: FEMALE
Desired employment / Occupational field: CRIMINAL LAW
Work experience
Dates 1996-
Occupation or position held: Associate Professor (2005-ongoing)
Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching Criminal Law, Consumer Law and Rhetoric, Scientific Activities on the Field of Criminal
Sciences, Coordination of Projects (Research), Administration of University Work
Name and address of employer: Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, University of Szeged
Type of business or sector: Higher Education, Research
Education and training
Dates 2004
Title of qualification awarded PhD degree
Dates 2004
Title of qualification awarded Exam on judicial licence
Dates 2000-2002
Title of qualification awarded Postgraduate Studies on European Law (specialised lawyer)
Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered: Courses on European Law
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: University of Szeged
Level in national or international classification: MA
Dates 1991-1996
Title of qualification awarded Diploma doctor iuris /Degree of Law with honour (LLB)
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: József Attila University
Level in national or international classification: MA
Dates 1995
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Professional Traineeship at the Police Department of Szeged
Leader Positions
Vice Dean for Public and International Relations (Faculty of Law, University of Szeged) since 2009
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) HUNGARIAN
Other language(s)
Understanding: English EXCELLENT, German EXCELLENT, Spanish VERY GOOD, Russian GOOD
Speaking: English VERY GOOD, German EXCELLENT, Spanish VERY GOOD, Russian GOOD
Writing: English VERY GOOD, German EXCELLENT, Spanish GOOD, Russian GOOD
Organisational skills and competences:
- Deputy Chair of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the University of
Szeged (2001-)
- Erasmus Coordinator (1999-)
- Coordination of Scientific Projects [Drug Prevention in Hungary (on the behalf of Hungarian
Ministry of Youth and Sports) 1999; The New Challenges of the European Integration in the Field of
the Criminal Law and the Hungarian Criminal Legislation (on behalf of the Foundation OKTK) 2002]
Scholarships and Scientific Activity abroad
- 1996 “Drugs and Criminal Law” Guest Lecturer at the University of Leipzig, Germany
- 1997 Traineeship at the German National Parliament, Bonn, Germany
- 2000 Scholarship of the Austrian Republic (ÖAD), Vienna, Austria
- 2000 “Legal Comparison of the German, Hungarian and Turkish Criminal Acts” Participation at the
Seminar of the University of Giessen, Germany
- 2001 Research visit (Tempus Grant) at the University of Tübingen, Germany
- 2001 “Contemporary Problems of International Criminal Law” Participation at the First International
Congress of Young Penalists, Noto, Italy
- 2002 Research visit at the University of Frankfurt and at the University of Giessen, Germany
- 2002 Participation at the Preparatory Colloquium to the 17th International Congress on Criminal
Law, Vienna , Austria
- 2004 Participation at the 17th International Congress on Criminal Law, Beijing, China
- 2005 Participation at the Specialization Course in International Criminal Law (Terrorism’s New
War: ICL’s Responses) and Moot Court Competition – International Institute for Higher Studies in
Criminal Sciences, Siracusa, Italy
- 2006 Research Scholarschip of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Giessen, Germany
- 2007 Participation at the Preparatory Colloquium to the 18th International Congress on Criminal Law, La Coruna, Spain
- 1998. 1st prize on the competition of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Regional Level
- 2004. Scholarship of the Hungarian Ministry of Education (Deák Ferenc Scholarship)
- 2006. Scholarship of the of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- 2007. Cesare Beccaria Award for Young Researchers of the International Society of Social Defence and Human Criminal Policy
Other professional activities:
- Hungarian National Report to the 17th International Congress on Criminal Law (Section I: Criminal Responsibility of Minors) 2002-2004
- Hungarian National Report to the 18th International Congress on Criminal Law (Section I: The Expanding Forms of Preparation and Participation – Terrorism; co-author) 2007
- Consultant of the drug prevention committee of the local government (1999-)
- Member of the regional body of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme in cases of consumer protection (2008-)
Membership of professional bodies:
- Member of the expert group of the Ministry of Justice for combating drug problem (2000-)
- Member of the expert group of the Ministry of Justice for crime prevention (2005-)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the “Rendészeti Szemle” [Policing Review] (2006-)
- Member of the Hungarian Society of Lawyers (1997-)
- Member of the Association of Hungarian Lawyers for the European Criminal Law (1999-)
- Member of the AIDP (International Association of Criminal Law) (2000-)
- Member of the Hungarian Society of the Criminology (2000-)
- Member of the ISSD (International Society of Social Defence and Human Criminal Policy) (2007)
Computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and Internet applications
Driving experience: B-class driving licence obtained 1998
Annexes (List of the most important publications)
1. Books
1. The Basic Approaches of the European Criminal Integration. KJK-KERSZOV Budapest 2004. 1-280.p. (Hungarian)
2. Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters. Szeged, 2005. (Hungarian, co-author)
3. Exercise Book to the Studies of Criminal Law. (I-III) Rejtjel, Budapest, 2005, 2006. (Hungarian, co-author)
4. Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice relating the Criminal Law. Szeged, 2007. 1-142.p. (Hungarian)
5. Criminal Law – Hungary, Kluwer, 2010 (English, co-author).
2. Articles
6. Umgang mit Betäubungsmitteln und Strafrecht. Leipziger Juristische Vorträge. Heft 35. Leipziger Universitätsverlag. 1998. 1-26.p. (German)
7. The new instrument of the ‘European criminal integration’ – Thoughts about the framework decision. Európai Jog [European Law] 2001/1 11-14.p. (Hungarian)
8. The Hungarian criminal law in the drift of the European integration. Jogtudományi Közlöny [Law Review] 2002/2 77-90.p. (Hungarian)
9. The patchwork of protection of the Community’s financial interests. Európai Jog [European Law] 2002/5 14-22.p. (Hungarian)
10. The framework decision. The new challenges of European criminal law and Hungarian criminal legislation. BüntetVjogi Kodifikáció [Criminal Law Codification] 2003/1-2 3-28.p. (co-author) (Hungarian)
11. Criminal responsibility of minors on national and international legal order. (The Hungarian national report to the XVIIth International Congress of Penal Law, Section I.) Revue International de Droit Penal 2004/1-2 379-399.p.
12. The illusion of untouched criminal law – Relations between the community law and the national criminal law. Európai Jog 2004/4 [European Law] 13-22.p. (Hungarian)
13. Criminal Procedure and the Law of the Union. Kontroll 2005/1 32-53.p. (Hungarian)
14. European Criminal Law on a rough way. Magyar Jog [Ungarisches Recht] 2006/1 1-10.p. (Hungarian)
15. Die Beziehungen zwischen europäischem Gemeinschaftsrecht und dem Strafrecht. In: Ungarn auf der Schwelle in die EU. Pólay Elemér Alapítvány 6., Szeged, 2006. 9-15.p. (German)
16. Ungeschicktes und folgenreiches Vorgehen in der transnationalen Rechtshilfe. Zugleich Anmerkung zum Beschluss des OLG Stuttgart v. 28.1.2005 – 3 Ausl. 76/03. Zeitschrift für internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik 2006/9 443-446.p. (German)
17. Europäische Integration und Strafrecht. In: Legal Transitions. Development of Law in Formerly Socialist States and the Challenges of the European Union (ed.: Balogh Elemér /Hegedüs Andrea / Mezei Péter / Szomora Zsolt / Traser Julianna Sára). Pólay Elemér Alapítvány, Szeged, 2007. 195-199.p. (German)
18. Symbole als Gegenstand des ungarischen und europäischen Strafrechts – Verkehrtes Gesinnungsstrafrecht? Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 119 (2007) Heft 4 1037-1054.p. (German)
3. Important Contributions on Conferences or Workshops
19. „Contemporary Problems of International Criminal Law”, Vienna, 2001, Bilateral Meeting (Austrian and Hungarian National Group of AIDP)
20. „Die Beziehungen zwischen Europäischem Gemeinschaftsrecht und dem Strafrecht” Conference „Ungarn auf der Schwelle in die EU”, Szeged. 2004
21. „Die Verfahrens- und Beweisregeln des Völkerstrafrechts - insbesondere die Rolle des Angeklagten im Internationalen Strafprozess” Seminar on International Penal Law, Giessen. 2005
22. „Europäische Integration und Strafrecht” Conference „Bilanz: Rechtsentwicklung in den ehemaligen sozialistischen Staaten und die Herausforderung der Europäischen Union”, Szeged. 2005
23. „Ein wissenschaftliches Brachland zwischen Tradition und Rechtsdogmatik” Seminar on Comparative Criminal Law (Suicide and Euthanasie) Giessen. 2006
24. International Meeting of Experts „Durchsetzung des Schutzes der Rechte von Strafverfahrensbeteiligten in den EU-Mitgliedsländern; Strafverfahrens-garantien in der ungarischen StPO”. Prag, 2006 (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung)
25. „The Hidden Primer Jurisdiction of the ICC” XVth International Congress of the International Society of Social Defence and Human Criminal Policy, Toledo, 2006
26. Tendinte noi in dreptul penal european. Caiete de Drept Penal 2008/1 87-103.p.
27. Expanding forms of preparatory acts and participation. (The Hungarian national report to the XVIIIth International Congress of Penal Law, Section I.) Revue International de Droit Penal 2007/3-4 175-188.p.(CD-rom) (társszerzV: Végvári Réka)
28. A competȇncia originária ’oculta’ do Tribunal Penal Internacional: sobre o art. 70 do Estatuto de Roma. Ciȇncias Penais. Revista da Associação Brasileira de Professores de Ciências Penais. 2008/7-12 114-135.p.