Curriculum vitae
Academic Records:
2012 - PhD (summa cum laude) - Dissertation title: The Effect of Armed Conflicts on International Treaties
2008-2009 - South-Eastern Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Program, Germany, Kosovo, Belgium (scholarship of the College of Europe and the European Fund for the Balkans)
2007 - ‘European System of Human Rights Protection’ Summer University, Europa-Universitaet Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (DAAD scholarship)
2007 - ‘Regulating Warfare’: The Second Tallinn Seminar on the Law of Armed Conflict, Estonia, Tallinn
2006 - Diploma, Hungarian and English Legal and Economical Translator, University of Szeged, Faculty of Law
2005-2008 - PhD student (state scholarship), University of Szeged, Doctoral School, Programme of Public and Private International Law and European Law
1999-2005 - lawyer (doctor juris), University of Szeged, Faculty of Law
Publications and lectures in English:
2011 - 64th United Nations DPI/NGO Conference, Bonn, Germany - Framing Human Rights Education with Respect to Sustainable Development and Rio+20: The Individual's Responsibility in Human Rights
2011 - XVth International Conference of Young Scholars, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic - The UN's Role in Development of International Law in the 21st Century. In: Klusák, Miroslav (ed.): Crucial Problems of International Relations through the Eyes of Young Scholars - A New Era in International Relations. XV. International Conference of Young Scholars (2011) - Collection. University of Economics, Prague 2012. 299-313.
2010 - Szeged Model United Nations 2010 - Opening Speech at Security Council: Challenges to International Peace and Security in the 21st Century
2009 - 5th European Jurists’ Forum - V. Európai Jogász Fórum, Budapest: International perspectives on outsourcing military tasks, In: Panel Meeting of the 5th European Jurists’ Forum, 2009, Budapest, p. 323-327.
2009 - Individual Criminal Responsibility under International Law, lecture at Europa-Universitaet Viadrina (Frankfurt Oder, Germany), guest lecturer (6x45 mins.) of International Criminal Law in the frame of Erasmus Teaching Mobility
2008 - Hungarian Experiences Regarding the Effect of World Wars on International Treaties, Acta Societatis Martensis, Tallinn, Estonia, Vol. 3. 2007/2008. pp. 215-226.
2007 - Warsaw East Europe Conference, University of Warsaw, Poland: The Effect of Change of Regime on the International Treaties of the East-European States; In: Democracy vs. Authoritarianism Abstracts, Bibliotheca Europae Orientalis XXVIII, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa, 2007.
2009 - 1st place, Hungarian National Round of Jessup Moot Court Competition (team coach)
2007 - 2nd Prize, Competition of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Szeged Branch, essay title: The Effect of World War II on International Treaties
2006 - 1st Prize, Competition of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Szeged Branch, essay title: Good Offices from the International Law Point of View
2005 - 2nd Prize, XXVIIth National Scientific Youth Conference in the category of International Law (essay title: Some Aspects of International Customary Law)
Diploma of Merit “For the Science of the Faculty of Law” of Szeged
Current Research Topic:
Law of Treaties, The Effect of Armed Conflict on International Treaties
Teaching experience:
Public International Law, Law of International Organizations, Model United Nations, Law of the European Union, Human Rights - lectures and seminars
Coach of Jessup Team of the University of Szeged
Introduction to Public International Law (in English) for Erasmus students, International Organizations for foreign students in English
Other professional experience:
Editing publications
Organization of conferences, scientific meetings
Member of consultative group of experts for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to Universal Periodic Review (UPR) due in 2011 for Hungary
Translation of legal and economic texts from/to English to/from Hungarian
International Law Association (ILA), Hungarian Branch
Hungarian United Nations Association (H-UNA) - member of Governing Board
Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), member
English proficiency level
German intermediate level