Curriculum vitae
Personal data:
- Name: dr. Zoltán Tóth
- Birth place and date: Kecskemét, 1978. június 21.
- Notification address: 27. Virag street IX/53., 1042, Budapest, Hungary
- Telephone No.: 0036-70/254-2550
- E-mail:
1997 high school graduation at Bolyai János Gramar School, Kecskemét
1997-2002 graduated in the Faculty of Law at Szeged University
2003-2006 Ph.D. postgraduate course in the Faculty of Law at Eötvös Loránd Univeraity, Department of Theory of Law
2008 February PhD Degree (Title of the dissertation: History, Philosophy and Theoretical Debates of Capital Punishment)
Place of work:
From 2002 Faculty of Law at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Department of Theory of Law, assistant professor, later associate professor
From 2002 Faculty of Law at the Szeged University, Department of Theory of Law, assistant professor
Lecturer activity:
At Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church:
- Philosophy of Law seminar
- Sociology of Law lecture
- The matter of capital punishment in the theory of law
At Szeged University:
- Sociology of Law lecture
- Sociology lecture
- Philosophy of Law seminar
- The matter of capital punishment in the theory of law
Scientific achievements:
- 2 monographs
- 67 articles, comments and notes
- 10 scientific lectures
Knowledge of language:
- competent knowledge of English
- intermediate knowledge of German
List of Publications
Books, monographs
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Philosophy of and Theoretical Debates on Capital Punishment. Rejtjel, Budapest, 2008
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The History of Capital Punishment. Századvég, Budapest, 2010
- Kiss, Anna – Kiss, Henriett – Tóth J., Zoltán (ed.): Caper or Crime? CompLex, Budapest, 2010
Articles, notes, comments
1. Tóth J., Zoltán – Ézsiás, Béla Gábor: Expert Systems in the Legal Process. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2002/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Dynamist Constitutionalization and the Neoformalist Tendencies. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2002/4.
- Nagy, Zsolt – Tóth J., Zoltán: The Status of the Education of Law. (A Survey about Factors Affecting the Legal Education). Jogelméleti Szemle, 2002/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Utopia or a Real Ideal Society? (Reflections on Thomas More’s Book). Jogelméleti Szemle, 2003/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Death Penalty: Themes of the Controversy. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2003/2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Capital Punishment in the Holy Bible. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2003/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Anomalies of the Tertiary Education in Hungary. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2003/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issue of Death Penalty from the Aspects of the Deterrence Effect and the Goals of the State Penalty. Belügyi Szemle, 2003/11-12.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty and the International Conventions. Jogi Fórum, January 11th, 2004.
Tóth J., Zoltán: Richard Posner and the Economic Approach to Law. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2004/1.
Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty in the Antiquity. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2004/4.
Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issues of Capital Punishment: Humanity, Necessity and the Justizmord. Themis, December, 2004.
Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital punishment vs. Imprisonment – from a Financial Point of View. Jogi Fórum, April 10th, 2005
Tóth J., Zoltán: Has the Capital Punishment any Deterrence Effect? Collega, April, 2005
Tóth J., Zoltán: „Indivisible and unrestrictable?” – Thoughts about the Right for Life and Human Dignity apropos of the Decision of Euthanasia of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2005/1.
Tóth J., Zoltán: John Rawls’ Theory of Justice. (Recension.) Jogelméleti Szemle, 2005/1.
Tóth J., Zoltán: The Necessity of the Natural Law. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2005/2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital Punishment – from Newer Aspects. Belügyi Szemle, 2005/11.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Abolitionism as a World Tendency. Themis, December 2005
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The American Law Professors’ Situation, Possibilities and Typical Career. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Effect of the Abolitionism and the International Conventions on the Abrogation of Capital Punishment in Hungary. In: Hegedűs, Bulcsú (ed.): Globalization: the Impact of the International Tendencies on the Hungarian Legal System. Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, 2006
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Crimes and Punishment in the Early Medieval Islamic Law. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Goal of Philosophy of Law as a Discipline. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/2.
- Tóth J. Zoltán: Death Penalty in the Antique East. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/3.
- Toth J., Zoltan: The Present Status of Capital Punishment. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: How To Be a Lawyer in the United States. Collega, 2006/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Processual Rules in Capital Cases in the Era of Feudalism in Hungary. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2006/4.
- Toth J., Zoltan: The Death Penalty in the United States. Collega, 2006/2-3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Regulation of Capital Punishment in the Middle Ages with especial regard to the Holy Roman Empire. Jogtörténeti Szemle, 2006/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issue of Capital Punishment in the Ancient Greek and Roman Legal Philosophy. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2007/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Dynamism, Originalism, Textualism. Jogtudományi Közlöny, 2007/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Martial Law and Capital Punishment in the 1910’s in Hungary. Themis, June, 2007
- Toth J., Zoltan: The History of Capital Punishment in the United States. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2007/2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Abolitionist Tendency in Hungary: the History of Capital Punishment between the Sixties and the Eighties. Legal Workshop of Debrecen (Debreceni Jogi Műhely), 2007/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Enlightenment and Abolition: The Abrogation of Capital Punishment in the Main European Countries. Acta Humana, 2007/1-2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Becoming and Career of a Law Professor in the United States. In: Nagy, Tamás – Nagy, Zsolt (ed.): Philosophy of Law and Self-Reflection. Pólay Elemér Foundation, Szeged, 2007
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Abolition in the World at Present Time. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2007/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty in the Christian Theological Thinking. Collega, 2007/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Contribution to the Controversy on Legal Dogmatics. In: Miklós, Szabó (ed.): Legal Dogmatics and Theory of Law. Bíbor Kiadó, Miskolc, 2007
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issue of the Human Rights and Capital Punishment in the Philosophical Thinking of the Enlightenment. In: Marianna, Nagy (ed.): Legal Studies. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2007
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issue of the Death Penalty in the Utopias and Prince’s Mirrors of the Early Modern Times. Collega, 2007/2-3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Criminal Law and Literature: Koestler and Camus on Capital Punishment. In: Studia in honorem István Balogh. Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, 2007
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital Punishment in the Jewish Law on the Basis of the Talmud and the Halacha. Állam- és Jogtudomány, 2007/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty in Ancient Legal Systems. Acta Juridica et Politica, Tomus LXX. Fasc. 18., Szeged, 2007
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Substantive Legal Rules Concerning the Death Penalty in the Kingdom of Hungary in the Era of Feudalism. Jogtörténeti Szemle, 2007/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The History of Capital Punishment in the Post-World War II Decades in the United States
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Legal Regulation Concerning Capital Punishment in Regular and Martial Law right after World War II and in the First Decade of Communism in Hungary. Miskolci Jogi Szemle, 2008/1.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Economic Approach to Capital Punishment. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2008/2.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital Punishment and Deterrent Effect: What Empirical Analyses Show. Valóság, 2008/6.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty in Hungary from the Enlightenment until the „Csemegi Code”. De Iurisprudentia et Iure Publico, 2008/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Death Penalty’s Last Three Decades in Hungary: From the Act V of 1961 until the Constitutional Court’s Abolition of Capital Punishment. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2008/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Crime, Punishment, Free Will. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2008/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Issue of the Penalty of Death in the 17th Century Natural Law and the Thinking of the Enlightenment
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital Punishment and the Abolition Therof in 2009. In: Bobvos, Pál (ed.): Reformator iuris cooperandi. Pólay Elemér Alapítvány, Szeged, 2009
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Extracts from Law and Literature: Koestler and Camus on Capital Punishment. Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 2009/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Matter of Capital Punishment in the 18-19th Century German Philosophy. De iurisprudentia et iure publico, 2009/3-4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Methods of Interpretation in the Judicial Decisionmaking Process. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2009/4.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Place of Capital Punishment. Századvég, 2009/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: On Rights and Obligations. In: Ficsor, Krisztina – Győrfi, Tamás – Szabó, Miklós (ed.): Rights: Practice and Theory. Bíbor Kiadó, Miskolc, 2009
- Tóth J., Zoltan: Capital Punishment and Deterrent Effect: What Empirical Surveys Show. Studia Juridica Caroliensia, Vol. 5 (2010)
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law Regulations Concerning Martial Law in Hungary in the 20th Century. Hadtudomány, 2010, Internet Issue.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Capital Punishment and the Abolition Therof in 2009. Valóság, 2010/8.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Penal Law in Literature, Literature in Penal Law. Jogelméleti Szemle, 2010/3.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Unlawful Appropriation. In: Kiss Anna et al. (ed.): Caper or Crime? CompLex Kiadó, Budapest, 2010
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Child Labour. In: Kiss Anna et al. (ed.): Caper or Crime? CompLex Kiadó, Budapest, 2010
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Taking the Law into One’s Own Hands. In: Kiss Anna et al. (ed.): Caper or Crime? CompLex Kiadó, Budapest, 2010
- Tóth J., Zoltán: Human Unrightfulness in 1984: The Darkest Utopia. Ügyészek Lapja, 2010/5.
- Tóth J., Zoltán: The Legal Regulation Concerning Martial Law in Hungary in the Horthy Era. Hadtudomány, 2010/4.