The third and last session of the RAUN educational program was organized between 13 and 16 January, 2015 in Vienna. The event took place in the Vienna International Centre of the United Nations. As usually, the session was held in the framework of the annual conference of the Academic Council of the United Nations (ACUNS), while the last day of the event was dedicated to the presentations of the participants of RAUN as they were working on specific research projects since the first session of the Academy.
The topic of the ACUNS-conference was the results of the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, announced by the United Nations for the period from 2000 until 2015 as well as the draft of the following Post-2015 Development Agenda. The lectures and workshops were delivered by officers of the UN and well-known experts on the following topics (among others): current environment challenges, agricultural use of nuclear energy, drugs trafficking and organized crime, international migration issues as well as a more efficient realization of gender equality.
Following the various interesting lectures delivered on the first two days, the third one was dedicated to the presentations of the RAUN-students: they had the possibility to present the results of their research in three panels in the framework of 15-minute long presentations in English. Since May, 2014 participants were working on a specific research topic in international groups with the coordination of a competent UN agency. The research activity of the students was evaluated by a jury made up of UN officers and international experts of the topic: on the basis of the presentations and the previously submitted papers a winner group was announced in every session.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Szeged was represented by a group of five students - Ágnes Bibok, Nóra Juhász, Renáta Kálmán, Ferenc Kuliga and Imre Varjú - while Orsolya Johanna Sziebig, assistant lecturer of the Department of International and European Law accompanied the group as a coordinator. The Hungarian delegation, composed of the five students from the University of Szeged and two other students, namely Márton Lakner and Nóra Sándor, from the Corvinus University of Budapest, gained nice experience and success at the conference. Out of the three best papers two has Hungarian students as co-authors (Imre Varjú from the University of Szeged and Márton Lakner from the Corvinus University of Budapest). In addition, on the basis of the opinion of the RAUN program coordinators, one student from each national team was selected as the best student of the year. As to the Hungarian team, this award was given to Ágnes Bibok (University of Szeged).
Besides the various professional notions, the last session of the Regional Academy provided nice occasion to take an insight into the work implemented at the offices of the UN as well. Furthermore, participants could develop their own point of view on current international issues and to take part in international research activities conducted in English.
In addition to the excellent professional programs, students and their coordinators were invited to take part in pleasant receptions offered by the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the City of Wien and they also had some time to explore the nice sightseeing points of the Austrian capital. With this event the Regional Academy on the United Nations 2014-2015 had come to an end, the main Hungarian coordinator of which was Dr. Anikó Szalai, senior lecturer of the Department of International and European Law.
The team of Szeged had been supported by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Law and by the International and Regional Studies Institute.