University of Szeged, Faculty of Law Where knowledge and challenge meet

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences  --  Faculty Units  --  Departments  --  Roman Law  --  Members of the Department

Norbert Pozsonyi, assistant lecturer

Room number: 316/B

Consulting hours: according to appointment

Tel.: 62/546-787



1. Curriculum Vitae


Personal Data

Name: dr. Norbert Pozsonyi

Place of Birth: Kiskunhalas

Date of Birth: 19. December 1983.



2007- University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, PhD School

2007- University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, classical studies major

2002-2007 University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, lawyer major

1996-2002 István Bibó Highschool (Kiskunhalas)

1990-1996 Primary School of Felsőváros (Kiskunhalas)


Place of Work

2007- University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, Department of Roman Law


Command of Languages

C-type intermediate language exam in German

C-type intermediate language exam in Latin

Ancient Greek (reading level)



Current Field of Research

The history of the development of Roman right of pledge


Academic Activities as a Student  

2002-2007. Member of the Roman Law Exegesis

2004-2007. University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, Department of Roman Law, demonstrator

2005. XXVII. OTDK (higher educational national competition) Győr, best opponent in the Roman law section - award

2007. XXVIII. OTDK Balatonfüred, I. award in the Roman law and legal history section (title of the paper: Damnum iniuria datum)


Papers Held on International or National Conferences

1. „Haftung der Publicani” (Liability of Sublessees), Sommerseminar in Sarajevo (Bosznia-Hercegovina), 2005.

2. „Pfandabreden in Catos De agri cultura” (Zálogmegállapodások Cato De agri cultura c. művében), (Pledge Agreements in De agri cultura of Cato), seminar organized by the Department of Roman Law, University of Szeged and Universität Wien (Institut für römisches Recht und Antike Rechtsgeschichte) Wien, 2008.

3. „Verkauf des Weines bei Plin” (The Purchase of Wine by Plin), International Meeting of Young Romance scholars, Mainz, 2009.

4. „Verkauf der Weinlese bei Plin” (The Purchase of Vine-crop by Plin), Sommerseminar in Nazarje (Slovenia), 2009.

5. „De Salviano interdicto”, PhD-student Conference of Debrecen, 2009.

6. „Die Entwicklung des römischen Pfandrechts” (The development of Roman law of Pledge), Max Planck Institut summer legal historical seminar, Frankfurt 2009.

7. „Depositum und Diebstahl” (Sen. benef. 6,5), Sommerseminar in Magdeburg, 2010.



2007. Discipuli pro Universitate

2008. Szeged Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Jurisprudence Special Committee I. award, title of the paper: A szerződésen kívül okozott károkért való felelősség az antik Rómában (Liability for Non-contractual Damage in Ancient Rome)


Foreign Scholarships

2009. Awarding the one-month-long research scholarship of The Austrian Hungarian Campaign Foundation (Osztrák Magyar Akció Alapítvány) to the University of Wien.



Academic Committee of Szeged, Academic Club Association


Subjects taught


- Roman law I-II. (for correspondent students)

- Roman law seminar (for regular students)

- text-analysis and legal exegesis (optional subject)



2. List os publication




  1. Verwahrung und Diebstahl im Werk Senecas De beneficiis (Sen. benef. 6,5,5), in: Publ. doct. jur., Szeged 2010 (megjelenés alatt)
    1. Zálogkikötések Cato De agri cultura című művében, in: Publ. doct. jur., Szeged 2008, 97-120. p.
    2. Damnum iniuria datum, in: Jog és Állam 9., szerk.: Kapa M., Budapest 2007, 127-136. p.
    3. Haftung der Publicani, in: Imperium und Provinzen (Zentrale und Regionen), hg. G. Thür / Z. Lucic, Sarajevo 2006, 50-59. p.




  1. Tanulmányok Dr. Benedek Ferenc emeritus professor 80. születésnapjára (Jogtörténeti Tanulmányok IX.), szerk.: Pókecz Kovács A. / Jusztinger J., Pécs 2008 – Jogtudományi Közlöny 2010. 7/8. szám, 339-401. p.