Various national researches have started and are still going on in the field of political theory at the Department of Political Science. One of the researches is the election system studies, which has been a basic research area for the Department since 1990. Three major research projects have been launched so far:
Electoral studies
Totalitarianism theory
European integration (legal and administrative background of cross-border cooperation, possible directions of further cooperation)
Iurisprudentia et iure publico (Dieip) journal
The Iurisprudentia et iure publico (Dieip) is a scientific law and political journal, edited in electronic format by the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. The journal was launched in 2007. The aim of this interdisciplinary journal is to provide a forum for the exchange of original ideas, theories and experiences in the field of law and political science. Dieip publishes research papers, studies and scientific results from all disciplines related to law and political science in English, Deutsch and Hungarian languages. All published research articles in this journal have undergone peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Dieip is a freely available publication on the website or The journal is listed in the catalogues and directories of resource of several libraries and research institutes, available on HU ISSN 1789-0446.
Prof. Dr. Péter Paczolay
Paczolay P. (ed.): Twenty Years of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Budapest: Constitutional Court, 2009.
Paczolay, P and Csink, L and Mecsi, D: Fields of Competence of the Constitutional Court. In: Paczolay P. (ed.): Twenty Years of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. Budapest: Constitutional Court, 2009, 13-40 p.
Predictability and stability of judicial decisions. In: Celebration of 20 years of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities. 25 September 2009., 7 p.
Consensus and discretion: evolution or erosion of human rights protection? In: Pieter van Dijk (ed.): Liber amicorum Antonio La Pergola. Roma: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2009., 271-280 p.
The new limits of sovereignty : general report of the public law session. In: Gábor Máthé (ed.): Panel meeting of the 5th European jurists' forum = Tagung des 5. Europäischen Juristentages = Délibération professionnelle de la 5éme Journée des Juristes Européens. 1-3 October 2009, Budapest: Magyar Jogász Egylet, 333-339 p.
Hungarian constitutional law, 1989-2005. In: András Jakab, Péter Takács, Allan F. Tatham (eds.): The transformation of the Hungarian legal order 1985-2005: transition to the rule of law and accession to the European Union [this volume is based on a conference held on 7-8 April 2006 at the Faculty of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest]. Alphen an den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2007, 19-25 p.
Relations entre les Constitutions nationales et l'intégration Européenne. In: (Sous la direction de Jean Rosetto, Trócsányi László réd. Eric Blin): Méchanisme de décisions dans une Europe élargie = Döntéshozatali mechanaizmusok a bővülő Európában. Szeged: Pólay Elemér Alapítvány, 2004, 25-34 p.
Man'n position in the constitution and its reflection in adult education. In: Erhard von der Bank, Judit Pálfalvi (eds.): EU policy towards Central and Eastern Europe in the notion of Agenda 2000. Success of pluralism in adult education. International conference. Dobogókő, Hungary, March 4-6, 1999. Budapest: Robert Schuman Inst., 1999, 17-26 p.
La protección de los derechos y las libertades fundamentales en Hungría: por quién, para quién, porqué y cómo. In: Derechos y libertades en las nuevas democracias de la Europa del Este. 1998/1999., 197-227 p. (Humana Iura : suplemento de derechos humanos; 8/9.)
Traditional elements in the constitutions of Central and East European democracies. In: The rule of law after communism: problems and prospects in East-Central Europe. Dartmouth: Ashgate, 1999, 109-130 p.
Theory or science of politics : Ambiguities of American political thought. In: Acta Juridica Hungarica, 40, 1999, 195-212 p.
Separation of powers regarding the constitutional court's jurisdiction. In: The 10th Conference of the European Constitutional Courts, Budapest, 6-9 May, 1996. Vol. 1. Introduction and general reports. Budapest: Hungarian Constitutional Court, 1997, 215-376 p.
The role of religion in reconstructing politics in Hungary. In: Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, 4(2), 1996, 261-275 p.
Constitutional and legal change during the transition fromsocialism to democracy in Hungary. In: Rechtstheorie, 26(3), 1996, 265-290 p.
Chroniques: Hongrie. In: Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle. [Vol.] 11. Paris, 1996, 793-815 p.
Stability and democracy of institutions. In: Hungary - from Europe Agreement to a member status in theEuropean Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1996, 183-197 p.
Human rights and minorities in Hungary. In: East European Human Rights Review, 1(2), 1995, 129-140 p.
Comment on Krzysztof Jasiewicz's paper. In: Citizenship, East and West. London-New York, 1995, 101-105 p.
The New Hungarian Constitutional State: Challenges and Perspectives. In A. E. Dick Howard (ed.): Constitution Making in Eastern Europe. Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1993.
Constitutional transition and legal continuity. In: Connecticut J. Intern Law, 1993, 8(2), 559-574 p.
Judicial Review of the Compensation Law in Hungary. In: Michigan Journal of International Law, 1992 Vol. 13. No. 4. 806-831 p.
Dr. György Fábián
Electoral Systems in Europe. In: Európa-füzetek I. University of Szeged, 2000. 29-43 p.
Dr. Béla Révész
„Out of Romania!” Reasons and Methods as Reflected in State Security Documents 1987-1989. Regio, Budapest, 2008, 8-66. p.
Révész Béla – Tóth Judit: Why the files of the security services have remained secret. Regio, Budapest, 2008, 158-164. p.
How to Consolidate the Secret Services in East-Europe after the Transition. In: National, regional or state security issues? Regio 2007. 106-116. p.
Documents on the Dictatorship and the Cold War in the Hungarian Archives − the case of RFE. Acta Juridica et Politica, Szeged, 2005. 96. p.
Gabriel Andreescu, Igor Casu, Béla Révész: The Ethics and Politics of Memory in Universities of Romania, Hungary and Republic of Moldova.
Dr. Edit Soós
Soós Edit – Fejes Zsuzsanna: Hungarian experiences of cross-border cooperation. Fundamentum, 2008/5, 123-158. p.
Building ’grass-roots’ co-operations on Hungary’s external borders. In: Attila Ágh (ed.) Overcoming the EU crises. EU Perspectives after the Eastern Enlargement. Budapest: EU-Consent-’Together for Europe’ Research Centre, 2007. 124–156 p.
Solidarity and Competitiveness in the Cohesion Policy: from the Year of 2007. Attila Ágh and Veronika Szemere (eds.) New Member States in the Enlarged Europe: The Hungarian Perspectives. Budapest, 2006, 31-51 p.
The European Union’s new borderlands. A new partnership for cohesion. Convergence and co-operation. In: Balogh Elemér (ed.): Ungarn auf der Schwelle in die EU. Szeged: Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar, 2005, 103-110 p.
The changing context of regional identity in Hungary. A path to regional development? Linköpings Universitet, 12 p.
Regionalism and Multiethnicity. Essays on Regionalisation. A collection of reports submitted at the International Conference: Regionalisation in Southeast Europe – Comparative Analysis and Perspectives. Subotica, 2001, 137-151 p.
The European Union’s Committee of the Regions. European Papers, University of Szeged, 2000, 45-63 p.
Dr. Zsuzsanna Fejes
Tóth Judit – Fejes Zsuzsanna: Multilevel Governance and the Competences of Local and Regional Authorities in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Committee of the Regions, Bruxelles, 2009.
Soós Edit – Fejes Zsuzsanna: Hungarian experiences of cross-border cooperation. Fundamentum, 2008/5, 123-158. p.
Cross-border cooperation in Hungary. Opportunities and difficulties of Institution-building. In: 6th International Conference of PhD Students. University of Miskolc, LAW Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre, 2007. 97-102. p.
Euroregion as a new frame of regional relations. The case study of DKMT Euroregion. Central European Political Science Rewiew, Vol.4. No. 21-22. Fall-Winter 2005. 124-140. p.
Regional Strategy and Identity in Hungary. In: 5th International Conference of PhD Students. University of Miskolc, LAW Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre, 2005. 33-37. p.
Dr. József Alajos Géczi
Frustrations around Parliaments - Social and Media Judgment in Europe.
Is parliamentarism sick or only frustrated? Constat in the trace of a conference. 26-42. p.
Hungary - Cost refund "campaign" January and February 2007. 121-124. p.
Norbert Merkovity
Digital Diversity: an Attempt to Describe the the Individual's Information Networks. In: Kollányi Bence (ed.): Netis Text Book – Colorful Information Societies – Country Reports, Case Studies and Papers. Budapest, 2008.
The Three Eras of the Political Communication. In: 6th International Conference of PhD Students – Humanities. Miskolc, University of Miskolc, 2007, 159–164 p.