University of Szeged, Faculty of Law Where knowledge and challenge meet

Faculty of Law and Political Sciences  --  Faculty Units  --  Departments  --  Private International Law  --  Scientific Student Group on Private International and International Economic Law (PIIEL SSG)

Report on the ”Introduction to the International Trade Law” student competition

Department of Private International Law, University of SzegedThe competition was organised by the Department of Private International Law and ELSA (European Law Students’ Association) for the students in “International Relations” (BA) education program, who visited the “Introduction to the International Trade Law” course in this semester. The students could be applied for the competition in three-person teams.

In the competition the students solved different difficulty tasks based on the lectures, textbook and their knowledge in other fields as well. On 1st of December three teams accepted the challenge to take part on the competition, and a five-person jury followed their performance with close attention. The warm-up questions tested the students' general knowledge regarding to practical information about the subject and the Department, which followed by questions about the participants general knowledge in international relations. The organizers tried to smuggle some playfulness into the serious competition with activity, whose subject related to the course too. After that in the next task the participants demonstrated their skills and knowledge in complex practical legal situations. The jury measured the team’s performance not only by the content but by the way of performance as well. Only the 2 best teams got into the final task which was a debate in the framework of globalisation. A bit like in an arbitration process, firstly the 2 teams had to arrange which team would argue by and against the globalisation. In this task the diction and the content also played an important role and at the same time the jury also assessed how wide the students were able to approach the given situation. The students provided very well based knowledge and skills not only in the subject and material of the course, but in the other fields of international relations as well. Finally the jury assessed the final task, summarized the results of the competition and announced the final results. The members of the rated teams got certificates and due to the quality of the participating students’ performance, also final coursegrades were offered to them according to the final rating of their teams as an extra benefit.


We would like to thank the organisers (ELSA) and especially the Department of Private International Law for the opportunity to participate in the contest.

Enikő, Dékány

Flóra, Kovács

Luca, Juhász


The final results of the competition:


I. prized team: Enikő, Dékány; Flóra, Kovács; Luca, Juhász

II. prized team: Evelin, Tárkányi; Roland, Gömöri; Zsolt, Medgyesi

III. prized team: Ágota, Bíró; Edina, Suhajda; Alexandra, Szabó


Congratulations for the Winners and for the prized teams!