Az Európai Jogi Karok Egyesületét (ELFA) 1995-ben alapította több, mint 80 Jogi Kar Leuvenben. 2009-ben már 160 jogi kart tömörített a szervezet. Jelenleg az ELFA fő célkitűzése a jogászképzés reformjának kidolgozása.
Angol nyelven olvashatnak bővebben a cikk megnyitásával.
The European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) was founded in 1995 in Leuven by more than 80 Faculties of Law located in different universities across Europe. The organisation now has about 160 members from countries within the E.U. and beyond.
Currently, the most important focus of ELFA's activities is the reform of legal education in Europe. Through this website and the European Journal of Legal Education (EJLE), it provides information about the current state of legal education in Europe and an international forum for the discussion of the impact of the Sorbonne-Bologna Declaration on the study of law.
ELFA places particular emphasis on accreditation and quality assessment as a condition for the Europeanisation of the study of law. ELFA is also active in developing new models for the use of ICT in legal education and provides information and support for its member faculties in this rapidly evolving area.
ELFA co-operates with other professional associations in the field of legal studies in order to further promote activities relating to legal education.
2009 tavasz ,2009 ősz ,Deilinger Viktória ,Fekete Orsolya ,Gyenge Balázs ,JNASZ ,Jakab Éva ,Józsa Zoltán ,Karsai Krisztina ,Laluska Pál ,Merkovity Norbert ,Mezei Péter ,Paczolay Péter ,Siket Judit ,Szeged ,Szeged IP Center ,Szöllősi László ,politológia ,politológiai tanszék ,verseny ,