On 10-12 May 2011, training on the field of European Labour Law and Social Security was organised for the first time at our Faculty for participants from the South-East European countries, which intend to access the European Union. The lectures, which offered an introduction to the European regulation of the world of employment, were held in English.
The seminar addressed to PhD-students, graduates and advanced students of South-East Europe, from universities of Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. The main parts included important topics of Labour and Social Law. Beside scientific knowledge the lectures reflected the different experiences transposing European Law in national law: experiences of the founding members (Netherlands), those of the East-German transformation since 1990 (Halle/Germany) and those of the enlargement process of 2004 (Hungary). The lecturers came from these countries, so they could share their thoughts from the special point of view of their own countries.
· Teun Jaspers, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands;
· Wolfhard Kohte, Abdrea Rietschel, Stefanie Porshe and Cathleen Rosendahl, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany;
· József Hajdú, University of Szeged, Erika Kovács, University of Pécs and Attila Kun, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungary.
Main topics:
· Introduction to the European Law;
· Role of the European Court of Justice and the role of national Jurisprudence;
· Fundamental Social Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, especially Freedom of movement for workers;
· Posting of workers in the framework of providing services (Directive 96/71/EC);
· European Discrimination Law;
· Workers’ Participation and European standard on information and consultation rights and health and safety;
· Corporate Social Responsibility;
· Coordination of the Social Security Schemes. This lecture was partly held by our special guest from the European Commission DG EMPL, Rob Cornelissen.
We firmly believe that this meeting created the starting point for further sustainable cooperation between our universities.
2009 tavasz ,2009 ősz ,Deilinger Viktória ,Fekete Orsolya ,Gyenge Balázs ,JNASZ ,Jakab Éva ,Józsa Zoltán ,Karsai Krisztina ,Laluska Pál ,Merkovity Norbert ,Mezei Péter ,Paczolay Péter ,Siket Judit ,Szeged ,Szeged IP Center ,Szöllősi László ,politológia ,politológiai tanszék ,verseny ,